6 Ways your breasts are getting ready to breastfeed during pregnancy
Your breasts will go through many changes from the time you conceive your little one until she arrives. By the end of this post, you know how to expect your breasts to change during your pregnancy.
Help! Is my Frozen Breast Milk Bad?
Have you ever pulled your frozen breast milk out of the freezer to thaw it and it looks strange? Or smells funny? You have a moment of panic…was all my hard work pumping for nothing?! Can I feed this to my baby?!
How do I freeze my breast milk and warm frozen breast milk?
You have pumped breast milk for your baby, awesome! Now, what do you do with it? How do you store it and how long is it good for? Learn how in this post!
Tips for Breastfeeding and Pumping at the Airport
Worried about your upcoming flight with your baby? Learn all you need to know to make it smoothly through the airport and breastfeed your baby on the plane
Alcohol and Breastfeeding
Can I breastfeed and drink wine? Do I need to pump and dump after I drink this beer? Find out!
Why is my Breastfed Newborn Baby Losing Weight?
Is it normal for breastfed babies to lose weight? Find out.