6 Ways your breasts are getting ready to breastfeed during pregnancy
Your breasts begin responding to pregnancy hormones very early. Many women report breast tenderness as one of the first signs of pregnancy. Your breasts will go through many changes from the time you conceive your little one until she arrives. By the end of this post, you know how to expect your breasts to change during your pregnancy.
1) Breasts get bigger
Your breasts are preparing to make and store your baby’s food. As this happens, they may feel swollen, heavy, tender, or more sensitive at different stages of your pregnancy. As the breasts grow, it causes skin stretching which can feel itchy, cause stretch marks or feel sensitive. This happens in your breasts, just like it does on the skin on your abdomen as your baby grows inside of your uterus. Use moisturizer to help with these sensations. The size of your breasts before and during pregnancy does not relate to milk supply, so not to worry.
2) Veins pop up on your breasts
To prepare to make milk, your body increases the blood flow to your breasts. So you may notice more visible veins popping up during your pregnancy; this is a great thing!
3) Your breasts start making colostrum
Your early milk is called colostrum… You begin making it somewhere between 16-20 weeks into your pregnancy. You won’t feel this start to happen. The colostrum is then stored in your breasts until delivery. Your pregnancy hormones prevent the colostrum from coming out until your placenta is delivered. Some women may experience leaking of colostrum from their breasts toward the end of their pregnancy. If you are one of the many women who do not leak colostrum, do not worry! The amount of colostrum leaked if any has nothing to do with how much milk you can make for your baby.
4) The skin around your nipple gets darker
The area around your nipple is called the areola. This area gets darker during pregnancy and many researchers think this is to help babies find the nipple easier. Bullseye!
5) Your nipples change
Your nipple may get longer, more swollen, or darker during pregnancy. These are all ways it is preparing to breastfeed.
6) Tiny bumps appear on your areola
These are called Montgomery glands. During pregnancy, these enlarge and swell to get ready to do their job. These glands secrete a fluid that helps your baby find your nipple by having a subtle scent, reduce friction when your baby is sucking, and reduce the ability for bacteria to grow.
Join our free breastfeeding class to learn what you need to know to make a full milk supply for your baby.
Learn more about how your body is getting ready to breastfeed
I am a registered nurse in the State of Florida and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). The content on this blog page is for informational and educational use only. I have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information shared is accurate, but I cannot guarantee that it is free from errors. The information shared here does not take the place of a medical provider, nor establishes any kind of client relationship with myself as a registered nurse or a lactation consultant. I am not your IBCLC or RN unless you book a consult with me directly and we establish a patient/caregiver relationship.